Creating the Perfect Home and Garden

Questions Many Homeowners Have About Concrete Floor Tiles

Concrete floor tiles are a very attractive choice for any home's interior; they're also very durable and very easy to clean, making them an especially good choice if you have children or pets at home. While you may automatically assume that concrete tiles will look like your outside driveway or walkway, another advantage of concrete is that it can be painted, stained, or buffed, so that it resembles stone or even glass. Note a few questions homeowners have about concrete floor tiles and their use inside the home, so you can decide if these are the right option for your interior rooms.

Are the tiles cold?

It's true that concrete tiles will be cooler than carpeting, but these tiles are no colder than any other type of tile, including stone, vinyl, and ceramic. This means they can be a good choice for rooms that tend to get warm and stuffy, and rooms that get lots of hot, direct sunlight. Since they won't hold as much heat, concrete floor tiles can actually make those rooms more comfortable overall.

Will the colour or pattern fade?

Over time, any tile can get faded or worn from direct sunlight and everyday foot traffic. However, this wear and damage usually takes many years before it becomes noticeable, and regular sealing of the concrete can offer added protection and a longer lifespan. The concrete can also be restamped and repainted or stained over the years, so that it looks brand new.

Is it slippery?

Buffed concrete can be very slick, so it may not always be recommended for floor tile, unless you have it stamped so that there are indentations on or between the tiles. These indentations will provided traction underfoot. Otherwise, you can have an aggregate mixed in with the paint you apply on the concrete surface, for texture and traction.

Are they loud?

Concrete won't necessarily insulate sound, but it's also no louder than any other type of tile, or many dense timber flooring materials, such as bamboo or teak. You can add sound insulation and some comfort underfoot with thick area rugs that are meant to absorb sound, as well as fabric accessories in the room, such as heavy drapes and upholstered furniture. These pieces can also offset the hard surface of the concrete floors, softening their look and creating a cosier space. In turn, you'll have a durable floor that is easy to clean while also enjoying a quiet atmosphere in the home.
